
Showing posts with the label what trait or personality you have that other don't have?

If your HR would ask you to be General Manager, what trait or personality you have that other don't have?

If you were asked by your HR to be a General Manager, what traits or personality do you have that others don't? This is a question that is often asked during job interviews, and it is a question that you should be prepared to answer if you are ever in this situation. Being a General Manager is a challenging and demanding role, and it requires a certain set of skills and personality traits to be successful. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the traits and personality traits that you should possess to be an effective General Manager. First and foremost, you must have excellent leadership skills. As a General Manager, you will be responsible for leading and managing a team of employees, and you must be able to inspire and motivate them to achieve their goals. You should possess strong communication skills to convey your vision and goals to your team, and be able to provide guidance and support when needed. You should also be able to make difficult decisions when necessary and