
Showing posts with the label faith

The Power and Struggle of Vulnerability: Why It's Hard to Speak Up and Share Our Pain

 It's a difficult thing to open up to others about the pain that we carry. There are moments when we long to spill our hearts out to those who are closest to us, to let them in on the secrets that we keep hidden behind our smiles. But then, we hesitate, knowing that there are pieces of ourselves that we keep locked away, hidden in the depths of our hearts. We guard these pieces fiercely, for they contain the pain, anger, traumas, heartache, sadness, and brokenness that we cannot bear to reveal to anyone else. Why is it like this? Perhaps it's because we've learned to rely on ourselves for survival, to pick ourselves up when we fall and to fight our battles alone. Perhaps we think it's better to overcome our pain in silence, rather than let someone else into our lives' dark and tumultuous areas. We can't guarantee that we'll ever be free from our pain, but we can assure ourselves that if we don't speak up, we won't be misunderstood or judged unfairly.

Staying connected to God, while being busy in the ministry

  "Staying Connected to God While Being Busy in the Ministry: Insights from Matthew 22:37" In this reflection, we explore the challenge of staying connected with God while being busy with ministry work. Citing Matthew 22:37, which commands us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, we delve into the importance of nurturing a personal relationship with God. The author encourages readers to spend special time with God, not just during church services or ministry events but through personal devotion and prayer. By prioritizing this connection, we can stay in love with God and maintain a strong spiritual foundation that will sustain us through our ministry work. While ministry work is crucial in expressing our love for God, the author reminds us that a personal relationship with God should come first. By ministering from a place of deep connection with God, our service becomes more meaningful and fulfilling. As we approach ministry events such as Vacation Bib

The Inspiring Story of Jim Elliot

  THE INSPIRING STORY OF JIM ELLIOT Learn about the life and legacy of Jim Elliot, a committed Christian missionary who dedicated his life to spreading the gospel to the Auca Tribes in Ecuador. Discover how his story continues to inspire and encourage Christians worldwide to persevere in their faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. In the  book of Matthew 22:14, it is written, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” God calls everyone to spread the word of God, but few are chosen. There are only a few people who answer the calling of God to go in a foreign country to spread the word of God.  Those people are called Missionaries. Jim Elliot was one of the famous american missionaries. He was born on October 08, 1927. At the age of six, Elliot’s faith was professed in Jesus, and he grew up in a loving family where obedience and honesty were applied. Jim Elliot was a committed evangelical christian missionary. He came from a christian family that made his faith devoted to Jesus Chris

A Sweet and Heartfelt Letter to God's Best

This letter expresses a woman's deep faith in God and her hope for a future with the man God has in store for her. It speaks to the challenges of finding love and the importance of trusting in God's plan. The letter is a beautiful reminder to remain patient, to rely on faith in times of uncertainty, and to pray for the one God has chosen for us. A must-read for anyone looking for inspiration in their search for love and their faith in God. My dearest God's Best, As I sit down to write this letter to you, my heart overflows with emotions that I can barely put into words. I want you to know that I am thinking of you, and my heart longs for the day that we will finally meet and start our journey together. I know that life has not been easy for you, just as it has not been easy for me. We have both been hurt and disappointed by our experiences with people and our expectations. But I want you to know that before loving someone, I am learning to love and take care of myself first

What to do when you're hopeless? (There are many Christian songs that speak to the struggles of feeling hopeless and point us back to the hope we have in Jesus.)

So, here's the truth. Life is meaningless for believers like us - if we don't put our hope in Christ. In fact, there are many Christian songs that speak to the struggles of feeling hopeless and point us back to the hope we have in Jesus. Life can be tough, especially when we feel hopeless and lost. As believers, we may sometimes find ourselves struggling to hold on to our faith, particularly when we encounter hardships and trials that seem to shake our faith to its core. But in moments like these, we must remind ourselves that our hope lies not in our circumstances but in Christ. The Bible teaches us that we are not immune to the struggles of life, and in fact, Jesus Himself warned us that we would face trials and tribulations in this world (John 16:33). But as Christians, we have a hope that the world cannot give us. Our hope is not in our own strength, but in the unfailing love and faithfulness of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Christian music is one way that we can express our fa

Will you love Jesus more?

Life is full of uncertainties, and at times it can be challenging to navigate through these uncharted territories. There are moments when we feel lost, confused, and unsure of what lies ahead. During such times, it's easy to question God's presence in our lives, and sometimes we even begin to doubt our faith. The questions posed in the title may seem contradictory at first glance. How can we love Jesus more when we are struggling and uncertain about our future or when it seems like he is not answering our prayers? The truth is, our love for Jesus should not be determined by our circumstances. Instead, it should be rooted in our faith and the understanding that He is always with us, no matter what we are going through. It's easy to love God when everything is going well in our lives. We are grateful for the blessings, and we feel His presence in our day-to-day activities. However, when we encounter trials, it's a different story altogether. We may feel angry, hurt, and a